Chickens for Africa


Evelyn stared down at the green food on her plate. Evelyn scooped a tiny amount of the green leaves onto her spoon, but she did not put it in her mouth. “Mommy,” Evelyn began, still looking at her food. “I don’t think I want to eat this.”

“Just taste it. I think you will like it,” Mommy said.

Evelyn frowned. “It looks unfamiliar.” Evelyn liked to try out new words, especially big words.

She looked at Mommy to see if she had used the word correctly.

“Evelyn,” Mommy began, “do you remember the story you heard in Sabbath School about the deaf boys and girls at the school in Africa?

”Evelyn nodded.

“Do you remember what those boys and girls eat?” Mommy asked.

Evelyn tried hard to remember. “They eat whatever they can find that is green,” she said.

“Good job remembering!” Mommy praised. “But why do they eat that?

”Evelyn stared at her spoon as she thought about the question. Finally, she answered, “Theydon’t have any other food?

”Mommy nodded. “That’s why we are collecting money to send with the academy students when they go on their mission trip in a couple of months. We want the academy boys and girls to be able to buy chickens for the deaf children at the school in Africa. That way they can have eggs to eat with their greens.”

“Mommy?” Evelyn asked, looking back at her own plate of food. “Is this what the children inAfrica eat?”

“I’m not sure what kind of greens grow in the fields around their school,” Mommy replied.

Evelyn decided she should try to eat the green food. One bite led to another, and soon Evelyn had finished the kale salad on her plate.

Later that day, Evelyn went with Mommy to the store. After Mommy had paid for their items, the change clattered out into a little cup. Evelyn held out her hand.

Surprised, Mommy asked, “Why do you want the money?”

“It’s chicken money.” Evelyn smiled.

Each week Evelyn and the other children in the Sabbath School class brought their coins and dollars for the chicken project. When the academy students returned from their trip to Africa, they told Evelyn’s Sabbath School class that they were able to buy 30 chickens and chicken food.Other people had donated enough money to provide the school with four goats and three cows!

During Sabbath lunch, Daddy asked, “What was your favorite part of the special chicken project?

”Evelyn thought for a moment. She liked the pictures of the chickens running around their new chicken coop and the goats jumping around outside the school. The picture of the cows showed them staring out the back of a truck. Finally, she answered, “I like the chickens best.

”Evelyn’s Sabbath School class were so excited about being able to improve the lives of some children in Africa that each quarter they find new projects that will help other girls and boys indifferent parts of the world. Maybe your Sabbath School class can do that too!

by: Judy L. Shullvelyn


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