Children's Ministries Retreat 2024
Visit Childrensministryretreat.com for more information!
South New England Training
Ministeria Infantil: Enseñando Escuela Sabatica
Entrenamiento Virtual
South New England Convention
Virtual Training
Children’s Ministries: Teaching Sabbath School

God Make Me! -Southwestern Union CHM Training Event
6829 Farm to Market Road 317
Athens, TX 75752

Children's Ministries Seminars for Camp Meeting-- ONTARIO CONFERENCE
Main Presenter: Pastor Gerry Lopez, Associate Director of the Children’s Ministries Department in the North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists.

NPUC Virtual Children's Ministry Expo
2021 Virtual Children’s Ministry Expo
Pivot – for Lasting Impact
“See I am doing a new thing.” Isaiah 43:19
Pivot will inspire and encourage you. Listen to keynote speaker Manny Cruz and dedicated breakout presenters who are passionate about ministering to children. You will be equipped to turn and to minister to the children you serve in powerful ways as the Holy Spirit leads us to pivot with Him.
About Pivot
Children are very much loved by Jesus. He is continually looking for ways to win them for the kingdom. He calls us, knowing how flawed we are, to love and reach children, first our own and then to come alongside other children and families and encourage them to do the same. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, a Sabbath School leader, an Adventurer leader, a VBS leader or a pastor this Children’s Ministry Expo will inspire you to reach this generation of children.
Our Speakers
With nearly 20 years of experience in children’s ministries, keynote speaker Manny Cruz, Arizona Conference director of youth and children’s ministries, will equip you to minister to the kids you serve in powerful ways as the Holy Spirit leads us to pivot with Him.
Joining him are several dedicated speakers who will lead you in focused breakout seminars to help you learn to connect with and serve the kids in your ministry. (Español)
All times are Pacific Standard Time.
Friday, March 5
6:45 p.m. — Breakout Preview
7 p.m. — Keynote Message
7:45 p.m. — Breakout Preview
Sabbath, March 6
9:30 a.m. — Breakout Preview
9:45 a.m. — Welcome/Introductions
10 a.m. — Keynote Message
10:30 a.m. — Pivot Points
11 a.m. — Seminar Breakout 1
11:45 a.m. — Seminar Breakout 2
12:30 p.m. — Lunch Break
1:30 p.m. — NAD Children’s Ministries Presentation
2 p.m. — VBS Sneak Peak
2:20 p.m. — Seminar Breakout 3
3:05 p.m. — Seminar Breakout 4
3:50 p.m. — Blessing
Additional information about each breakout session can be found here.
Registration and Info
Registration is required and free. For registration related questions, contact Wendy Urbin at wendyu@uccsda.org or call 509-242-0628.
For more information and questions about the expo, contact the following respectively:
Oregon Conference: Shirley Allen, Shirley.Allen@oc.npuc.org
Upper Columbia Conference: Patty Marsh, PattyM@uccsda.org
Washington Conference: Nitza Salazar, Nitza.Salazar@wc.npuc.org
All other conferences: Velvet Lang, velvet.lang@nw.npuc.org

Mid America Union Conference Children's Ministries/Sabbath School Training EXPO
Join us for a virtual training for the Mid America Union Conference’s Sabbath School and Children’s Ministries Training EXPO.
For more information, contact Gerry Lopez

Children's Ministries Week of Prayer Online
Go to kidspraying.live for more information!
Greater New York Conference Children's Retreat
Oct. 9th Vespers- 7 pm - 9 pm
Oct. 10th
Morning Program - Sabbath School and Divine Service - 9:45 am - 1 pm (Bio and snack breaks integrated)
Afternoon Program - Children and ChildMin leaders workshop (Live via FaceBook) 3 pm - 4:30 pm
Children's Concert - 5 pm - 6 pm
Children's Retreat Montage (Pics and clips from the day and thank yous) and Vespers 6:15 - Sunset
Alberta Conference Children's Ministries
Join the Alberta Conference in Virtual Certification Training.
For more information email oclausen@albertaadventist.ca