Let VBS Begin!

Every year when the summer calendar comes around, we start to feel the anxiety and mix of emotions as Vacation Bible School is getting close. Especially coming back from a pandemic, it seems difficult to recruit volunteers for the task, or maybe you are questioning whether or not it is really worth the effort. 


Of course, it is worth it!  The Bible says in Matthew 18:14 “In the same way, it is not my heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish.” NLT 


I am the product of that evangelistic effort, at a young age the circumstances at home were very difficult, and my parents didn’t participate in any religion. God had plans for me! VBS! An oasis for my soul when I was invited by my neighbor to a Vacation Bible School taking place at close to my home.


 I still remember the message, “Jesus’ love is for everyone.” Forty years later, it is still impressed in my heart.   I encourage you to take courage and know that your efforts to share Jesus lives on for years to come in the life of a child. I know it’s true!


Preparing for the Task

Here are my favorite six suggestions about how to start your preparation for an amazing VBS in your church:


#1.- Prayer

 Invite your prayer ministry partner to join you in prayer for a successful VBS at the beginning of the year and through the months to come. Schedule a time to meet every week or every other week. You may want to meet at your favorite café or at a park.

#2.- Choose the theme ahead of time!

Start in January! Starting early will give you plenty of time to research the props, backgrounds and how much budget you will need. If you struggle with the finances, you can partner with other churches in your area who usually sell the leftover materials for half price after they finish with their VBS or maybe even donate these resources to your church. Search the name of your VBS theme on Facebook and other social platforms. Most likely, you will find a group sharing ideas, resources, and words of encouragement and enthusiasm! (adventistvbs.org, Instagram: childsminnad, Facebook: @nadchildrensministriesdepartment)


#3.- Challenge yourself!  Challenge yourself to think outside the box about your theme by visiting different websites and resources, childmind.org, Pinterest, Facebook, just to mention a few.  Learn new ways to make your VBS more enthusiastic and attractive to the community as well as the church members! Maybe you have a park nearby that would be perfect for reaching the community children and families. Think about it! What will set your VBS apart as the one to go to?


#4.- Where are the Volunteers?  Around March Invite them for a breakfast! Or a picnic and games or a pool party …. Or …. What are your ideas? Show appreciation to your volunteers and extend the invitation to your congregation through your newsletter and share it with excitement and anticipation!


Be prepared for your volunteer party by creating a document with the description of each assignment and roles.  Then let your volunteers choose roles based on their strengths and gifts. Make it fun! Additionally, planning in advance gives you time to do the necessary background checks. Your volunteers can register on the Child Protection Screening process NAD.


#5.- Not enough money for snacks?  Send out a message to your church family asking for snack supply donations by a certain time. Be specific: “We need 500 fishy crackers!” Visit your food Bank, local grocery store or local ACS in your area and write an appealing letter for donations.  During the pandemic, my church was blessed abundantly with many items for our VBS! We received more than we expected, so we were able to share with our community as well! Pass on the blessing!


#6.- Get the word out!  Promote, promote, promote! Build up the anticipation! “Hello folks! We have 4 months until the best event ever is happening at our church!” Then one month before your final date send out personal invitations use your database from last year to send emails, Eventbrite.com or created a QR. CODE to register. Parents appreciate if you can make it easier for them.


Well, there you have it! I am praying for a successful VBS in your congregations! 


Pastor Griselda Job
Tacoma Park SDA Church


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